Monday, March 1, 2010

Who are we?

Ladies and Gentleman. Our Country is at a crossroads and it is up to us the American People to stand up and to make our voices heard loud and clear. Let me be clear this is not a violent rebellion. It is a peaceful protest that will fight against the forces that threaten our republic and our constitution.
Our Mission
1. To bring back our government to the limits of our constitution, for while the people should be free to do what they want. The Government must be bound to the limits our forefathers intended in order for our personal liberties are maintained.
2. To take back the credit card from the whiny teenage kids known as congress to prevent the country from going bankrupt. No crackpot spending freeze REAL CUTS and a BALANCED budget.
3. Strengthen our National Security. Protect the country from foreign threats and guard our borders. Give the military the tools they need to win the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
4. Bring the States to the foray of Governing. The States are the ones who created the Federal Government not the other way around. The States are sovereign and the Feds need to GET OUT.

We are in for a long ride and lets get ready to fight back.
May the Force Be With You.

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